In May 2011 Andrew Spackman formed the art noise band OHMMM as an intensive period of ‘making’ and improvised musical ensemble performance. The project provided a platform to test individual and collective making strategies of sound objects and home made electronics, and their implementation within a live improvised ensemble performance.
OHMMM members were allocated an instrument case of restrictive fixed size, and then tasked with making sound objects to be performed within the case in accordance with a constitution/ manifesto of rules. Both box size and manifesto challenged making strategies, functionally, aesthetically and sonically.

List of Public Performances/ Exhibition
29 March 2012 - OHMMM – Bruit De Fond – Experimental music night – Lanchester Gallery, Coventry
12 February 2011OHMMM – Album release on iTunes
14 January 2012 - OHMMM – performance at London Short Film Festival.
17 November 2011 - OHMMM – performance at ‘The Art of Noise’ Exhibition – The Public, West Bromwich.
23 September 2011 - OHMMM – performance at ‘InTime Experimental Music symposium’, Coventry.
10 September 2011 - OHMMM – Performance at Arts Fest 2011, MAC, Birmingham
9 September 2011 - OHMMM – performance at Midland Arts Centre, Anticurate Exhibition
12 June 2011 - OHMMM –Performance at Axis Arts Centre, Crewe.
28 April 2011 - OHMMM – Performance, LGP, Coventry University.